Lymphoedema Awareness Week 2023

As we prepare to celebrate Lymphoedema Awareness Week, we sat with our Lymphoedema team to find out more about the amazing work that they do.

Mary Ann Evans Lymphoedema Clinic proudly treats individuals with lymphoedema secondary to cancer or its treatments. Lymphoedema may occur when cancer or the treatments of cancer damages areas of the body’s drainage or lymphatic system. This may result in; swelling, tissues changes and a predisposition to infection. Most commonly affected are arms and legs but midline areas such as head and neck, breast and genitalia are affected too. The condition isn’t curable but there is much that can be done to enable patients to reduce and maintain their swelling, to promote their comfort and quality of life. Clinic staff pride themselves on offering a warm and supportive environment where patients are assessed, treated and enabled to ultimately self-manage their condition effectively.
Strategies/treatments may include: compression garments, advice on exercise and movement, skin care and lymphatic massage. Adjuvant treatments such as Lymphflow intermittent pneumatic pump treatment, Photobiomodulation therapy or Deep Oscillation Therapy may be incorporated too.

Meet the Team

We know that early intervention is key in achieving the best outcomes for our patients.
Please call the clinic if you suspect you may have lymphoedema or maybe you’re someone that needs to revisit our service to get back on track with your treatment options. Maybe you’re a health professional who would like advice as to whether you can access this service for your patients?

Get in touch: 02476865452, Monday to Friday 08.30-16.30.
We accept referrals from North Warwickshire and have a shared agreement for our South Warwickshire patients with our fellow lymphoedema team members at Myton Lymphoedema Clinic, Warwick.


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