National Volunteers’ Week 2021 – Day Services
From the 1st June until the 7th June, it is National Volunteers’ Week. Without our volunteers the Hospice wouldn’t be able to provide our vital services across the community. We are talking to a different department everyday to talk about how our volunteers make a difference.
Throughout the pandemic our day services volunteers continued to support staff and our patients with weekly phone calls to the patients . When we started our virtual program in the Autumn we had volunteer drivers delivering craft kits and afternoon teas to the patients on the virtual program and they are still doing deliveries once a week now. The volunteers are supporting our virtual program by running the quiz zoom sessions and the craft zoom sessions . As we look to launching our new day services, our volunteers will be an important part of the jigsaw. We have volunteers that have been here since we opened 30 years ago , but we are always ready to welcome new volunteers.
Heather, Day Services Co-ordinator